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Welcome to the Gathering Darkness NAAMA Forum.
This website is dedicated to medieval re-enactment in New Zealand, with a
particular focus on both National Association of Ancient and Medieval Arts
(NAAMA), and Living History. This forum provides an informal place to
exchange ideas, keep in touch and generally talk about New Zealand medieval
is free. You will not receive spam from the site and every
effort has been made to minimise the possibility of your email address
being disclosed without your expressed permission. There is no advertising
on the site. The site is currently 100% privately funded and owned,
allowing complete control over its design and content.
While the site administrators and moderators will monitor postings for
offensive content, you should use your own discretion when discussing topics.
While this site does appear on major internet search engines, the forum
content should not.
If you have any problems at all, or have suggestions, please contact one
of our site admins, we're happy to help.
The visual theme for the GatheringDarkness site is intended to conjure
memories of sitting around a campfire with friends, sharing stories and
coming together for a common purpose.
Kind Regards,
The GatheringDarkness Team