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Combat archery arrows for sale
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Location: Wellington

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:12 pm     Combat archery arrows for sale Reply with quote

UPDATE: I am no longer making arrows for sale, sorry. Have a hunt around the archery section of this forum or the for-sale section to find others who are - Nigel

Hi everyone,

To help as many people as possible get into combat archery at NAAMA this year, I'm making combat arrows - see the attached photo (website only).

Arrows are $7 each.

The arrows are 28 inches draw length. The shafts are Port Orford Cedar, 11/32" (8mm) diameter, lacquered and wrapped in fibre reinforced tape, with black plastic nocks. We're using Riverhaven SCA rubber blunts. The fletching is uncut, hand finished Peahen feather - 5 inches each x 4.

We are making an initial batch of 100 with possibility of more to follow. If you would like to order some, please give me the following information:

* Your name
* Your address and phone number
* How many you want
* When do you want them (ASAP, sometime before NAAMA, or collect at NAAMA)
* Any customisations you require.

If you want to customise your arrows we can supply them without tape or nocks and you can put your own nocks on or make them self-nocking, and paint the shafts to personalise them. Note - if you want them without tape, you will be required to put on your own reinforced tape before they will be allowed on the field. If you prefer three feathers instead of four we can do that too, but you won't get a different coloured index feather sorry.

If you want to purchase the raw materials and put the arrows together yourself, the cost is $4 per arrow. This includes lacqured shaft, blunt, uncut feathers, and a plastic nock. Tape not included. If you don't want a plastic nock, let us know and we won't taper the end of the shaft, otherwise you'll get it pre-tapered ready to glue on the nock.

If you want your arrows or arrow components posted to you there will be a postage charge - we'll calculate this on a case-by-case basis to give you the best price.

I strongly encourage you to personalise you arrows as there will be many arrows scattered over the battlefield and it will be difficult to identify yours from everyone elses if you don't.

If you wish to make your own arrows this is fine - please see the Draft NAAMA Missile Combat Rules for information on what is required.

Finally - because there is a limited number of arrows we can physically make before NAAMA you may not get all the arrows you ask for. We are not making arrows for profit (otherwise they'd be $15 each) - we are making them to encourage as many people as possible to take part in combat archery at NAAMA to ensure that it's well entrenched as a regular part of the NAAMA battle scene from now on. For this reason I will be dividing the first lot of arrows up amongst everyone who wants them and then allocating the rest to whoever gets in first.

For those who've already told me they want some can you please email or PM me just so I have a record of it - I'm not going to remember everyones orders otherwise.

If you're not sure how many arrows you'll need consider this - if you're only doing light combat archery you will only be firing 3 to 6 arrows for the duration of a battle before you can go and collect them. If you're doing heavy combat archery, you might want as many as you think you'll be able to fire before you either die or win. Remember also that these arrows are somewhat disposable and are likely to eventually be stepped on or otherwise damaged, so you'll want spares.

Any questions please ask.


combat arrow.jpg
NAAMA combat archery arrow
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combat arrow.jpg

Last edited by NigelT on Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:59 pm      Reply with quote

Ok, I will buy two dozen ready-made. Can you make these in 32 inch length ( I have long arms ) and with un-varnished shafts ?
-I soak my arrows in raw linseed oil to resist breakage.



ps. Please contact me off list.

A Dane Axe beats two aces anytime.
Site Admin

Location: Wellington

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:12 pm      Reply with quote

Hi Stuart,

Yes to unvarnished, no to 32 inches.

The reason they are fixed at 28 inches or less is because we'll be checking bows to make sure they do not exceed 30lbs at 28inches draw when used in heavy missile combat. It we check your bow at 32 inches and someone elses at 28 inches and that person inadvertently picks up your arrow and fires it at full draw they'll be exceeding their 30lb restriction.

If you're only ever going to be using your arrows for light missile combat then in theory, yes you could use longer arrows. However, this would mean we need to mark arrows to differentiate between the two combat styles and make sure one arrow isn't used for the other... you can see how this gets all really messy and difficult to police. To this end we're making a blanket rule about arrow length. For light missile combat the arrow has to be lobbed anyway, so it doesn't need to be drawn to full length unless the battle is on the other side of the paddock.

I'll put aside 24 shafts do skip the lacquering process, but I can't gaurentee you'll get all 24, it will depend on how many other people want them. If there are enough arrows to go around you'll get 24.

Thanks for ordering Smile

PS: Remember - if you're intending on participating in heavy missile combat, you will need to meet the 'critical area protection' armour requirement in the draft missile combat rules.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:21 pm      Reply with quote

ok, I shall have to short-stroke my shots ( which does mean reducing accuracy ) are you sure about the 28 inch ?
BTW, I am going to suggest a pre-battle mass archery practice to enable all of us to get a practical idea of the the archery combat rules.
-Who else is interested ?



A Dane Axe beats two aces anytime.

Location: Wellington

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:21 pm      Reply with quote

What about cresting the arrows, then if someone should pick up his arrows then they know they can't or shouldn't be using them.
did they beat the drums slowly
did the play the fife lowly
did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:04 am      Reply with quote

I have no ida what 'cresting' an arrow means.

I alway mark mark my arrows with my name in front of the fletch.



A Dane Axe beats two aces anytime.

Location: Wellington

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:08 pm      Reply with quote

Paint the ends of the arrow in your colours


did they beat the drums slowly
did the play the fife lowly
did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:36 pm      Reply with quote

Thank for the info, but I shall not be painting my flechings. I only use Quick`s long feathers for flu-flu fletching. Paint spoils the feathers and annoys the authenty`nazis..
A Dane Axe beats two aces anytime.

Location: Wellington

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:42 pm      Reply with quote

You don't actually paint the feathers because as you said you would wreck the feathers, your only painting the shaft. The feathers in that link have not been painted.

Anyway it was just a suggestion.

did they beat the drums slowly
did the play the fife lowly
did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Location: Croydon,Victoria Australia/ Wellington,NZ

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:46 pm      Reply with quote

and annoys the authenty`nazis..

are you saying that cresting isn't authentic?

Do not scorn a weak cub. He may become a brutal tiger

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:50 pm      Reply with quote

Hello Nigle,

How quickly can you make up these Flu-flus ? We may have a need for four dozen in Auckland before NAAMA. I can send out a cheque next week. Please email me privately.

A Dane Axe beats two aces anytime.
Site Admin

Location: Wellington

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:30 pm      Reply with quote

Hi everyone,

I just need to point out a few things before anyone gets dissappointed.

Firstly, I am only human. I can make 5 to 10 arrows in an evening depending on how dedicated I am. This means I'm still looking at a lot of evenings to make all these arrows. If you need them ASAP, that can be arranged provided nobody else needs them urgently as well. 4 dozen might be a bit ambitious in a short space of time though sorry. I'll email you offline about it. I've only got materials and hours in the day to make 200 arrows before NAAMA at the most. If anyone wants to learn how to make them and wants to help out I'd love to hear from you. I'm going to try and divide the arrows amongst everyone who indicated they want some, that way more people get to play. If there are leftovers after this then those who want more will get them.

Secondly, I don't really mind how you decorate your arrows - my main concern is that they are safe and comply to the standards we're setting. If you want to oil your arrow shafts that's fine, but you'll still need to tape them all the same. The tape will contain any splinters should the arrow hit your helmet and shatter into your eyes.

Thirdly, 28 inches has been set across the board to avoid complication and confusion on the battlefield. I'm sure you could half draw a longer arrow, but wouldn't that achieve the same thing? If you half draw from a heavier bow it achieves the same again, but both exceptions open the way to full-draw and exceed the weight restrictions. I know it sucks if you've just bought a nice shiny 40lb bow or you've got long arms, but we've got to draw a line in the sand somewhere. Sorry about that.

Site Admin

Location: Wellington

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 11:51 pm      Reply with quote

OK, hands up who wants to have a crack at making their own arrows?

We're just passed the 200 mark for orders and that's all the materials I've got and I know there will be more people wanting them.

If anyone's keen to get their arrows in kitset form let me know - you'll be more likely to get your arrows earlier and they'll only cost you $4 each for components (excluding tape).

Site Admin

Location: Wellington

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:02 am      Reply with quote

For those who've ordered arrows - the blunts are now winging their way to New Zealand, so we can start distributing the first batch of arrows very soon. I'm still waiting on a few back-ordered nocks and still have a fair bit of elbow grease to expend (special thanks Laura who's my personal fletching slave at the moment).

Site Admin

Location: Wellington

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:22 am      Reply with quote

The blunts have finally arrived. The only thing I'm waiting on if the back-orderd nocks. I'll be bringing some arrows up to the fortbuilding this weekend, but not many. I'm affraid that most of you that have ordered will be picking them up at NAAMA. I'll be sending you all emails shortly letting you know how many you've got etc.

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